Sutra 1.3, or how to change the world

tada darstuh svarupe avasthanam – “then the seer dwells in his own nature”

After telling us the purpose of Yoga (to control the fluctuations of the mind) Patanjali explains the reasons. Why would I try not to cling to those voluptuous clouds, lightly surrounding and seducing me at every moment? On the other hand, how many times these same clouds have been able to destabilize me to the point of throwing me into an unexpected storm!

According to these texts, the main reason for learning to control the fluctuations of the mind is that if we do so, then our inner seer establishes in its essence, or in its pure consciousness.

tada. Then, in that moment.

darstuh. The seer, the being, the real personality, the spirit, the soul.

svarupe. The state, the essence, the nature.

avasthanam. Is established, rests, dwells, resides, shines.

To establish oneself in the essence would mean to see clearly who we are, without identifying with our mind. Instead, to identify with everything that surrounds us.

“All our thoughts, as well as external objects, are nothing more than variations of our consciousness. Take away consciousness and nothing exists”. (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, talks by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra & Smt. Hansaji, The Yoga Institute).

The Yoga discipline suggests us how we can generate positive effects on our surroundings starting from ourselves, our body, our breathing, our mind. The force acquired by one propagates towards the rest through the energetic fields we are made of. In addition, the closer we are to our essence, the more we are able to offer the best of ourselves to the world, to be more creative and to offer more valuable contributions in any field of action. In other worlds, if we want to change the world we have to start from changing ourselves.

By focusing on our essence we vibrate from the purest energy. In that place we are also fully aware of our talents, and that also helps us to generate something positive around us through our actions.

The multiple meanings of avasthanam (rests, dwells, resides, shines) suggest me the idea of ​​getting home. The most comfortable, peaceful, authentic place is also the place where we are capable to shine.

Worth trying to dispel the clouds and have even a glimpse of this wonder.



Sutra 1.1, the beginning

parallel feet

atha yoganusasanam – “Now, instructions in yoga begin”

Today, as I remove my shoes and socks and place my feet on the mat, I firmly plant in the ground my commitment to work with no attachments or expectations, to share from the heart, to aspire to quality, to continue nourishing myself, to communicate without fear, to be present.

May this intention sprout and blossom, nourished by my love for this discipline and its transmission.

May I be a pure channel for Universal Consciousness, and bring happiness and health to this world.