SOS Yoga was born in Ibiza in 2016, a sinergy between SOS Refugiados Ibiza,  Ibiza Conciencia and Karen Killeen (social and environmental activist, and Yoga teacher).

The project opened in Menorca in February of 2020 when Terra D’Àngels, an ecological farm in the area of Ciudadela, opened its doors to our weekly Yoga classes, taking place every Friday afternoon from 19:00 to 20:00. (LOCATION)

In May 2020 we added another location in the woods in Sant Lluis, near Mahón, where classes take place every Saturday morning from 11:00 to 12:15. 

SOS YOGA was created with the aim of supporting other organizations that provide first aid and food to refugees in the Mediterranean area. 

Thanks to the donations collected through our Yoga classes, we organize shippings of food, clothes and medicines from Ibiza to various organizations such as  Proactiva Open Arms or No Name Kitchen.

All of the Yoga teachers involved are provided with their official TTC certification and their work is completely voluntary.

As well as all of the Yoga spaces involved participate without receiving any profit.

SOS Yoga arrives to Menorca today to keep supporting  SOS Refugiados from the distance, with the additional compromise of cooperating with the local platform Benvinguts Refugiats Menorca and other local environmental causes, like the preservation of the natural heritage of Menorca (Per La Mar Viva).

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